Did God Over Pampered Nigeria?

21st April 2020.

Thinking about where we went wrong as a Country, I decided to look at Some brief fact about My Country Nigeria.
    A country that derived it's name from A river which encompasses across the country called "Niger", became Politically independent as far back as 1960, and Became A Republic in 1963, for multi ethnic country and multi religious nation, which other System of government is more suitable than federalism. It practices a federal system of government, the Democratic nation/state has 36 states and the F.C.T, with 774 local Governments covering about 923,768.64 kilometer per square, with a Population of About 180 million people.
Abundantly Blessed With Numerous Natural Resources, And Most importantly a Fertile Land For Agricultural practice.
     Oh, listening to this facts about My country would make one think it is The Most Developed Nation in the world, But is that True? Let's Find out, 
According to an Economist called "Seers" for a Nation to be Developed, three things must be Considered:-
That's, if this Three factors are addressed, then that Nation is developed.
One Would expect that, for a Nation that is as Blessed as my Country Nigeria, One of the Major Oil Exporting Country, a Country that was Well known for Cocoa Exportation, Let's not Talk much about the Groundnuts Pyramids, the textile industries, My Country with a Land Suitable for different types of Crops.
And So on, Would have Been Categorized under the Developed Counties, but it Is An Irony, My country is:
A country where over 70 percent of its population are living blow Poverty level (According to UN Reports).

A country where most of the Youths are unemployed.

A Country where they are not people I call the middle men, So its either you are poor or you are Rich. (Inequality)
    Despite All we have, its a fact that comes to my mind, and i took A Case study of Parents and Children. It Is Always said, that when a Child is given Everything he/she need, all the Attentions required, All the Love and Everything, then such child Is Likely not To Prosper in Life, Because He would not be Motivated to Look For His Own. That why Some children from Poor Background usually make it in Life, Because they avoid been Poor again.
 Now Relating the Above fact to My dear Country, One Questions Crosses My Mind, Did God Over pamper Nigeria?
Many Countries need A Fertile land for Agricultural purposes, e.g Singapore, we have it here in Abundance.

Many need The Natural Resources e.g China has only few, Yet We Haven't Explored half of the Ones We have.
Many  Need Population for Labour, e.g Japan, yet We Complain of Over Population. 
Just To talk About the Few.
I continue to ask my self if all this facts are Truly responsible For A 59 year old Child that Would soon clock 60 in months time, yet going to its parents for Brest milk.
If yes, what is the way forward?
Why is the Naira that was equal to dollar, now incomparable, 
Why is insecurity the order of the day.
Why is fire taking over my Land.
Then I finalized that we have To Bring about our Old Strong policies, though, formulating policies hasn't been then the problems but implementation, We Have to Be Unbiased, We Have to live our differences aside, forgetting Whether you are From North, South, West or East, And choose leaders not Representatives, because it would take only one man not more than One to change my Country for Good. But Unless we come together, we can never achieve such dreams.
United we stand, Divided We Fall.
Lets Take Advantages of What we have to get what we want!!!
We Only Have One country, We can Not claim to Be from Another.
So, Oh Compatriots, Let's Make Our Fighting father's who fought for independence Proud.
Until We Stand Up for Something, We Shall Get Nothing!!!
God Bless my Country!!!



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